
Friday, 26 June 2015

Assertion or Aggression?

Being assertive is a skill. It is easy to learn. A little more challenging to practice and totally liberating when used with confidence.

Anxiety – Is It a Thought or a Feeling?

Anxiety lies in the space between what we know (and can manage) and what we don't know (and may be prone to worrying about). Disentangling and naming these counterparts is the first step to managing anxiety. Know what you know and know what you don't know. Manage what you are able to manage and let go of the rest, acknowledging that it is beyond your control. All self management starts within. It is the inner self that deals with the world and forms perceptions, values and beliefs. It is this inner self we need to be best friends with.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

She is Ancient........

She is ancient, steeped in wisdom and able to walk hand-in-hand with shadow on one side and light on the other; neither holding power. She is the blade of Truth who uses that dissonant tension to pierce through life's illusion. Her words can hit like shards or stroke like the brush of a gentle breeze.

Others see her; they duck and dive, wriggling free from her gaze; free from self-discovery, safe in illusion for another day.

When you meet her, notice your reactions and name them. She has what you need but what you need isn't always what you want and life isn't a bowl of avoidance, despite your comfort wishes.