
Saturday, 7 November 2015

The Mantis and the Crab

Yesterday I read the sexiest article I’ve read in a very long time. I think it will change the course of my winter experience this year. The article, written by Jeanette Winterson, talks about her experience of the dark and how resistance to winters heartbeat can upset the body’s natural rhythms. I’m not going to go into it here because it’s such a fantastically gorgeous piece of writing that to paraphrase it will serve only to numb its unctuous intimacy.

Thursday, 5 November 2015

The Tao of Potter

Some say that our addiction to media (and technology) is divisive or designed to maintain a comatic state; it is what prevents us from living a 'whole' life, balanced and in harmony with ourselves and our surroundings. I would agree to some extent. However, when life (and media) is viewed through the lens of metaphor, it becomes a really useful healing tool.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Part Three - Resurrecting the Crone

The Mirror of Mortality?
Part One here | Part Two here

Why does ‘beauty’ even have to relate to age or be in the same sentence as it? Why would someone who successfully defies age, be hailed a star or be amazing and fabulous? If Mirren lived a ‘face-naked’ life, would she still be the new face of L'Oreal? 

Monday, 7 September 2015

Part Two - Resurrecting the Crone

Tea with Dad

I shuddered as horrified eyebrows raised themselves up to meet Hairline, who stared at him, angrily.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Resurrecting the Crone

Part One: The Decision (and how it met the business and the personal)

And with a gloomy sigh she uttered "Got to keep the Grey at bay" and my heart sank at the thought of another few decades of dying my hair. I had bumped into my Mum in town as she was rushing to make a hair appointment for yet another cut and colour.

That was early 2014 and became the day I vowed never again to dye my already Greying hair. I might have thought twice about this decision had I anticipated the deeply significant journey it would take me on.

Sunday, 12 July 2015

Shadow Walker

This is a portrait of a woman named Sabrida Shing.
She is one of a few rare women to take on the task of becoming a Sadhu.
After her husband died, she grew her hair and wove his memory into it

She creeps silent and deeply aware
Whispering through your shadows
Birdsong in the murky gloom
And you sense her presence

Saturday, 11 July 2015

Does Personal Transformation Look Like a Mental Breakdown?

Artwork by Deviant Art

In our society where the paradigm is often to mimic 'same' or 'common denominator' behaviour, the transformation into personal authenticity may well look like a mental breakdown. 

Friday, 10 July 2015

Chapter of Life

And as she stared at him, feeling numb, her face showing nothing, one betraying tear slid down her cheek.  She vowed this would be the only tear she would shed for her man.  She looked down at the table as the tear detached itself from her beautifully made-up face and plopped heavily onto the back of her hand.  Wondering if he’d seen it and surveying the half eaten meal and in this moment it suddenly became important to her that this food was about to be wasted and she always hated to waste food, especially in this restaurant.  She normally gave all her scraps to her dog to ease her guilt!

Friday, 26 June 2015

Assertion or Aggression?

Being assertive is a skill. It is easy to learn. A little more challenging to practice and totally liberating when used with confidence.

Anxiety – Is It a Thought or a Feeling?

Anxiety lies in the space between what we know (and can manage) and what we don't know (and may be prone to worrying about). Disentangling and naming these counterparts is the first step to managing anxiety. Know what you know and know what you don't know. Manage what you are able to manage and let go of the rest, acknowledging that it is beyond your control. All self management starts within. It is the inner self that deals with the world and forms perceptions, values and beliefs. It is this inner self we need to be best friends with.

Saturday, 6 June 2015

She is Ancient........

She is ancient, steeped in wisdom and able to walk hand-in-hand with shadow on one side and light on the other; neither holding power. She is the blade of Truth who uses that dissonant tension to pierce through life's illusion. Her words can hit like shards or stroke like the brush of a gentle breeze.

Others see her; they duck and dive, wriggling free from her gaze; free from self-discovery, safe in illusion for another day.

When you meet her, notice your reactions and name them. She has what you need but what you need isn't always what you want and life isn't a bowl of avoidance, despite your comfort wishes.

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Remembrance or Nationalism?

Feeling somewhat overwhelmed at the out pouring of powerful emotions at this time of remembrance and, remaining deeply respectful to all the soldiers killed, wounded and missing during WW1, I’m left with some uncomfortable questions.                 

Friday, 1 May 2015

Fear is a loud voice - Leap and trust

Changes, alarming and too numerous to recall, reshaping sentient stubborn dough. A chiseled tool, a shapeless cloud, wistful in the ether. Clarity and haze in the same magic breath and a trust so deep I have to drown just to touch it. Vision and focus meeting lost and alone as trust bubbles up from the underworld just missing outstretched, hopeful hands.

Fear is a loud voice.

Nameless longing yet gnosis so deep it makes no sense. Strong like Oak yet swaying like Willow. Doubt or fulcrum? Digging deep, hands, wrists burrow into sensual earth, plunging deeper and deeper into untapped potential. Feeling its new grip; feeling new excitement and a nascent plume of energy rises to be met.

Leap and trust.

Old programming whispers its fear, I listen intently, secure in familiar limitations. Obediently giving up hope; losing my tenuous grip on trust.

Fear is a loud voice.

Keys to the city; synergistic, perfect meeting; right place, right people, right time and heart blossoms into life again. Trust bubbles up, lands in outstretched hands and that deep gnosis?, well, it just knows.

Leap and trust - Life Begins At The End Of Your Comfort Zone!


Friday, 16 January 2015

Employee Engagement - What is it?

Joe Lafferty at LifeTree (