
Thursday, 11 April 2019

Four Little Things and "some people who did something"

Hi Readers, grab a Colombian, it's a long one!

Yeah I know, February 2018 as my last post does not a writer make! Lots has happened in a year and, to efficiently complete a lifestyle defrag, I reset certain aspects of me to 'idle' for a while.

Then this morning, as I'm waking up I suddenly string a line of coding together and an interesting picture emerges; you know, when your mind re-minds you of a few key events which, in the moment mean nothing but, when strung together give you that 'aha' moment? Well, that happened this morning or are we still believing in coincidence?
Four Little Things happened on the 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th April.

  1. The 8th - I'm currently in a play called The Government Inspector by Nikolai Gogol. It's a comedy and rehearsals have more than once left us and our director crying with laughter. There's one line though that always trips me up and it's when the Mayor says "they grimace so much you have to take the icons out of the room". I didn't understand the context of 'icons' so I asked the question. Ahhh, I see, icons are religious figures or figurines; representations of a religious belief system.
  2. The 9th - Excerpt from an email to a friend. "Yes, knowing and owning are writ large across the universe right now; we're being presented with issues around codependency and not owning our power. No self censored statement ever won us the sword of truth and oh god, how we measure ourselves against the barometer of what constitutes arrogance. It's why we keep ourselves small, in fact if feels like old and fetid remnants of religious dominion over others (codependency) which teaches us to kneel to a power we perceive to be greater than us; it's a kind of belief slavery."
  3. The 10th - and I posted this on my Insta page..                                              
  4. Still '3' and still the 10th and Blogger doesn't renumber once you hit return, ugh. Doing my morning meditation that turned into research, I landed on this... Riso-Hudson Enneagram Type Indicator personality test. As I'm in the 'action' phase of my latest transition I took the test and would highly recommend it to anyone who is comfortable calling their own bullshit. Long one short and the test gives me a high score on the word 'iconoclast' so I look it up. Ooh, that's interesting (I've been doing that my whole life; it's in my DNA). I get on with my day and let it percolate overnight.
  5. This is really #4! - Today, the 11th and making my morning coffee, heating hazelnut milk with honey and cinnamon as dark Columbian (4) gently stews and breathes its rich aroma past the end of my eager nose.........sorry, got carried away; coffee really kicking in now! Anyway, my brain goes 'click' and these tidbits suddenly fall into place so I google 'religion' and hit the 'news' button and the universe sends me the top story of the day, published only 10 hours ago - brilliant.
And that is what this post is about; it's about what's kicking around in the system during a very fiery Aries season where dark shadows are being burned to ashes; as new truths become exposed.

Here's the story: 

And it's about words. It's about semantics and it's about filters and perceptions which are not based in fact. It's about codependency and it's about taking ownership (or not) and stepping into personal power and a singular truth.

Oh wow - this is evolving as I type because I also posted this (for no apparent reason) last week - see how it all knits together; I love active intelligence.

That's what this is about; I get it now. This is what I've been skirting around for a while now; getting to the bones of what that 'singular' truth is. In the story above, Ilhan Omar, when describing the events of 9/11, uses the words 

"some people who did something"

This simple statement - this singular truth - has created a media storm containing all the hot potatoes that prevent it from being heard with a clean ear and a clear mind. She is right, some people who did something, is exactly what happened. The rest is perception, dogma and belief; the rest is religion, division, patriotism, deceit and that kind of unquestioning naivety that causes one to be completely blind.

And yes - I am an iconoclast!

I've been tearing down the walls of illusion my whole life; I've been getting into bother for it my whole life. My highest scores will attest to who I am: Realist, Iconoclast, Maverick and (ironically) Peacekeeper. My challenge is to step into that singular truth; a truth free from the shadow of personality and myriad layers of bullshit we use to twist the truth to our own advantage.

There is no good or bad just as there is no right or wrong - that is the singular truth. There is only the experience and this intelligent woman knows it too because "some people ... did something".

Time for a smoke - more new podcasts on the way here and, when tech upgrades are complete, I'll start making video's too. 

Really excited and staying focused!
Great to chat with you all again.
Big Love - Back soon xxxxxx

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