
Sunday, 4 December 2016

Pushing Through

Reflections and Dreaming

As I look back, through fallen leaves of fear and ego, gently picking my way through decomposing beliefs, I can see how far I've come on this journey of transformation through the process of radical enquiry.

This year has been absurdly improbable, taking me on a train ride from inconceivable to preposterous. And I fully understand that old adage, "Dare to Dream!"

I recently asked a client ".....and if you dare to dream, what is it you really want?" he looked perplexed and, as we explored his quickly evaporating 'what-he-did-for-a-living-dream' he confessed he hadn't even thought of it.

and if you dare to dream
to deeply and bravely dream
to feel joy pierce the delusion of fantasy
to taste wanton pleasure
roll it around on the tongue 
till it seeps into the fabric of being

will you fully drown in the experience 
and KNOW it is yours for the taking 
and will you dare to sink down
neglecting to defer 
to those old, small thoughts

will you courageously die to the old
letting go, feeling vulnerable
or will you come thrashing back up for air
lungs bursting for mundane
old self craving the sanity of familiar delusion

the only election where 
vote matters a damn
is to drown and re-birth or
tread water and xerox

will I see you at a station called pleasure
and if we meet there how will that be

I see me smiling, heart bursting with joy
pleasure rolls around on my tongue
feet impatient to dance 
and I see you...

sovereignty steps onto the platform
you made it and I'm beaming like a child
platform creaks, your arrival is significant
with jaw open and eyes wide, you murmur "wow"
and, as I hand you a glass of golden champagne
I wonder.......

Will I see you at the station called Pleasure?

As always, with love. xx

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