For Debbie - who, with tons of conviction, stepped up to the
plate to read one of my poems with vigour, vitriol, a dramatic pointing finger
and a license to get angry! Well held Debbie; loved your delivery!! x
Keeping the Peace
I was trying to do the right thing
That thing I thought would lead to peace
That thing I thought would make things
All blame and responsibility
No life experience
No time for learning, only punishment
And that thing I thought would make
things right, didn’t
Shouting, spit frothing, she’s on the war
Vicious, angry, demonic
An evil glare to burn right through
This tender heart; this trusting heart
Can’t breathe, heart heavy
Daren’t approach, weight of fear’s
Hate zone of God’s curses, spitefully
And scar tissue shrouds this infant heart
And that thing I thought would make
things right, won’t
Trapped with madness
Safe ‘out’ eluding my small
Smashed, damaged, broken self
Still broken now
And that thing I thought would make
things right, never did
Great that this old poem has come to new light - a vivid picture appears through the words!