When I
left the corporate world 3 years ago, was I dreaming big enough? Could I have
imagined where I would get to and, most importantly, could I have anticipated
the blind terror I was throwing myself into. "No" to all three.
And it's
funny because just before I left, one of my employer's clients said to me,
"don't be surprised if your clients don't come from where you think
they're gonna come from." This tiny little sentence has stuck with me this
last three years like comforting glue - binding me back together when nothing
else made sense. Thank you Leslie.
I had a
plan when I left (yes, I'm still chuckling at this one); I even had my first
client lined up and I genuinely believed being a business trainer was my
future. I couldn't have been more wrong and what I couldn't see was that I was
actually throwing myself deeply into my purpose; my raison d'etre was rumbling
up inside me and I wanted to turn and run.
hindsight is the only perfect science.
thinking was small. I know that now. I knew I needed to get my...had...to
get my voice out somehow and business training was going to be the vehicle.
This was going to be easy, I was already a good trainer, I enjoyed the work,
loved the travel and the fees were amazing. What's not to love? Would things
have been different if I'd asked myself "is this too easy Chrissy?"
Who knows.
Year one
didn't turn out the way I saw it happening. It felt too difficult and I could
hear myself moaning a lot. I could feel the tension of the unknown and the fear
of failure - my nameless dread - greeting me every morning, squashing me flat
and killing my joy. This curve was going to continue as long as I stayed
resistant to a truer calling; as long as I tried to stay in the shallows of
being a service provider in the corporate world. I was stubborn, fearful and
definitely conning myself. I made the journey paralysingly painful as I kept
driving at this wall called 'business trainer', all the time keeping a deeper
more poignant voice hidden.
At the
same time something new was appearing on my radar and bringing with it some
deep learning. It's only now I see how the military brought the issue of
transition into my life at a time when I was wrestling with my own self
inflicted transition. The military was also bringing trauma and a 'heads up'
that I needed to get ready to do my deepest work to date.
hindsight is the only perfect science.
phase was tough. The toughest so far. I was questioning everything, tearing
down illusion, finding my authentic truth. I was becoming truly
independent as I tamed my craving for the 'security' of having a full time job
and learned to walk my own path, alone.
October 2014 I was invited to become a Director of a fairly new social
enterprise working with ex-military, trauma and transition. I couldn't have
seen this coming when I left my job not two months earlier and suddenly, three
very large jigsaw pieces dropped into place. I am a daughter and grand daughter
of the army (transition is my middle name), I am an experienced facilitator and
a qualified therapist specialising in trauma. Holy crap - have I found my
niche? How did I not see this coming?
hindsight is the only perfect science.
social enterprise was called Unload and my task was to 'transition' it out of
concept and into delivery. By early 2015 we were doing outreach and delivering
residential workshops for ex servicemen (and their partners). Even with the joy
of this new adventure, I still found it tough; this phase of my life was called
'determined and poor' but what I learned above all was that my puny little
brain had no idea what was still to come.
to now and I have a successful private counselling practice, am still with
Unload and loving it and.....get ready for it..........am a business trainer!!
Yes, that went away and came back because the work needed to change. What I
deliver now is much deeper; I wasn't being brave enough before - my core work
now is around emotional health and mental well being; it's team building
without the jargon or it's a brew and a natter with a minority group.
really is the only perfect science. It's how I learn. Only by looking back in
the cool light of day can I see how it all makes sense. So, if a big jump is on
your cards, if you really feel the pull - respond and trust. And if you don't
feel deeply uncomfortable in the process, you're doing it wrong!
My three
year transition is done and ongoing and both are true. Always learning; always
you with a love so deep and a trust so defiant I simply no longer need to know.
I step forward and the ground is there and I know I'm exactly where I need to
be at any given time. After all, who am I to question a system so intelligent
it put me here in the first place! And I am but a speck of dust. x
"Awakening to your true nature is like a gentle hurricane. You have no idea where it started or how it found you. You just wake up one day in the burning heart of paradox and realise that you are not a mere guardian or administrator of your life, but your own Co-Founder, CEO and Chief Executive Creator. Nobody, nothing owns you anymore."
Andrea Bolt
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