
Saturday, 25 November 2017

Il Dolce Far Niente

to sit
to walk
to be alone
is no mean feat

phone on
telly on
"but I am alone!"
that's the con

What is it to be alone with yourself and have nothing to interrupt your attention?

Sunday, 20 August 2017

Was I Looking in the Right Direction?

When I left the corporate world 3 years ago, was I dreaming big enough? Could I have imagined where I would get to and, most importantly, could I have anticipated the blind terror I was throwing myself into. "No" to all three.

Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Agitating the Ordering Principle

Staring into the blank white open space and pausing while words form. It's been a long pause between posts lately and the pauses between seem to get longer and longer. Not because there are no words forming; there are too many to capture.

Saturday, 18 February 2017

An old poem dedicated to a new friend

For Debbie - who, with tons of conviction, stepped up to the plate to read one of my poems with vigour, vitriol, a dramatic pointing finger and a license to get angry! Well held Debbie; loved your delivery!! x